0333 577 4550

Therapy in Focus – Yoga

Exercise and relax both the body and the mind

What is Yoga?

By controlling the breath through a series of rhythmical movements, yoga gently encourages you to rediscover the mind-body connect. Yoga helps to keep the body in balance by using your own body weight to keep muscles and joints supple, by creating space through the spine using gentle stretches, thereby improving overall strength, posture and function. Using the breath as a way to ease into these movements and postures introduces a meditative element and helps calm the mind.

How Can Yoga Help?

Yoga is great for building both strength and flexibility; for increasing mental clarity and focus, promoting health and wellbeing overall.

Yoga can help with:

  • Mental fatigue or calming a busy mind
  • Muscle tension and tightness
  • Joint pain and discomfort
  • Stress
  • Insomnia
  • Headaches and migraines
  • Digestive conditions
  • Posture

What Does Yoga Involve?

There are many different forms of yoga which means it’s suitable for all age groups and fitness levels.

Prior to your yoga class, your Instructor will discretely discuss any health conditions and symptoms as appropriate, as well as your overall health and wellbeing goals.

Each class begins and ends with a short period of relaxation to calm the mind. Your Instructor will then lead you through a series of movements, postures and relaxation techniques, always focusing on the use of the breath. Variations of these movements and postures may be given depending on your flexibility and capability.

On-site yoga classes available before work, during lunchtime or after work.
Available as 1-2-1 sessions or classes of up to 15 people.

Online yoga classes are also available through our Partner Providers, Fiit.



Please always seek medical advice before engaging in any form of treatment or rehab.

If you have any questions or feedback about this article, please send them to enquiries@bodymechanics.co.uk

Therapy in Focus – Nutrition

You are what you eat

What is Nutrition?

Optimal nutrition is the foundation to overall good health and wellbeing. We help you achieve nutritional balance and variety, specific to your needs. By ensuring you eat the right food groups and in the correct proportions, in relation to any health concerns, you will have the essential vitamins and minerals you need to achieve overall balance and good health.

How Can Nutritional Guidance Help?

Good health is all about looking at your current health, your lifestyle and your health and wellbeing goals and addressing any imbalances. Where there is a specific issue, it’s important to identify and treat the cause, rather than the symptoms.

Balanced nutrition is an ideal way of managing overall health, as well as conditions such as:

  • diabetes
  • obesity
  • blood pressure
  • energy levels
  • brain fog
  • hormone imbalances
  • menopause
  • PMS
  • fertility
  • pregnancy
  • skin issues
  • digestive disorders
  • bone and joint health
  • autoimmune conditions
  • and so much more

What Does Nutritional Guidance Involve?

Nutritional Guidance starts with:

  • Base Level Health Assessments – blood work, diet, lifestyle and fitness, health conditions and symptoms, overall health goals
  • Review of Allergies/Intolerances – trigger foods, food groups and food combinations
  • Nutrition Plans – foods to include and avoid, advice on macros, vitamins and minerals, portion size, eating frequency, meal plan and shopping list
  • Guidance and Support – regular check-ins and contact to keep you on track and to answer any questions you may have

Nutritional advice can be delivered as:

  • 1-2-1’s
  • Groups
  • Online Webinars
  • or Lunch and Learns
  • with supporting documentation as appropriate



(Corporate Enquiries Only)

Please always seek medical advice before engaging in any form of treatment or rehab.

If you have any questions or feedback about this article, please send them to enquiries@bodymechanics.co.uk

What You Don’t Know About Exercise And The Brain

This article first appeared as a blog on https://fiit.tv/

The mood-boosting benefits of regular exercise are often overshadowed by the physical gains. Most people work out to get in shape. To lose weight, build muscle or improve their athletic performance.

But when motivation wavers, it’s the mental rewards of regular exercise that encourage us to get back on the mat. Even the smallest improvements in our training patterns increase our sensitivity to dopamine receptors. So each workout becomes more of an accomplishment. A way to release stress and flood ourselves with feel good hormones.

At Fiit, we want to highlight the many ways in which exercise — of any kind — can improve mental wellbeing. And why it can be a constant source of motivation for everyone.

“Exercise is associated with a lower mental health burden across the globe, irrespective of age, race, gender, household income and education level.”

~ Dr Adam Chekroud, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at Yale University.

1. Manage Stress

In The Real Happy Pill, Dr. Anders Hansen describes exercise as one of the most effective ways to alleviate stress and anxiety, and improve mood levels.

“Modern neuroscience has shown that maybe the most important thing we can do for our brain — and therefore ourselves — is to be physically active.”

~ Anders Hansen

That doesn’t mean you have to go cardio crazy. A HIIT class is an excellent outlet for stress (especially if Jamie Ray’s got a say in it). But any dynamic movement will help you produce endorphins and enkephalins. And everything seems much more manageable once you’re fuelled with those coveted ‘happy hormones.’

Over the past few years, evidence has mounted suggesting Yoga is a ‘low risk, high yield’ approach to improving overall health. By lowering the heart rate and blood pressure as well as improving respiration, Yoga completely changes the way we respond to stress.

Combine it with breathwork and you’ll learn to retrain your nervous system. Find out more about the benefits of breathwork here.

Our solution: Whatever form of exercise you choose, make it regular. Work out 3+ times a week (easy to fit in with 25 minute classes) to experience long-term positive changes. And breathe deep

2. Treat Depression

Many GPs now prescribe exercise as a treatment for depression, on its own or alongside other therapies. It can help manage symptoms but, more importantly, it can prevent them.

Often described as a ‘wonder drug,’ exercise improves blood supply and neuron signalling, growth and connections. It therefore has a direct and immediate impact on the brain.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 300 million people suffer from depression, globally. We believe exercise has the power to significantly reduce that number (with zero side effects).

Our solution: Researchers suggest as little as one hour a week of dynamic exercise can make the difference. Of course, the more you work out, the fitter you’ll be, but the mental benefits yield pretty quickly. Gamifying workouts has also been proven to increase both motivation and mental wellbeing. So naturally, we’re working on this. Watch this space.

3. Protect Your Memory

The good news is, the brain fog that often comes with age can be prevented. The University of British Columbia recently conducted a study which proves aerobic exercise boosts the size of the hippocampus (a part of the brain responsible for verbal memory and learning).

That means cardio training protects you from developing dementia, as well as depression, anxiety and stress.

Our solution: 120 minutes of high-intensity training a week. That’s just two Fiit sessions every 7 days.

“To keep the body in good health is a duty. Otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.”

~ Buddha

Now more than ever, we need to make mental health a priority. And in our experience, a strong mind leads to a healthy body. Make a small change today and you’ll soon feel the benefits.

Let’s Talk About Men’s Health

Talking about Men’s Health is something we think needs to be encouraged and done more often.

We have featured stories from some of our about what causes them stress, how they manage that stress and their overall health and wellbeing.

We also polled you, our clients, to see how you manage your own health and wellbeing and the results of this are summarised in this article. Thank you to all those who completed the survey or shared their stories with us.

Key Stats

Age of respondents

All respondents were aged between 25 and 64 years old with the following breakdown.

  • 28.6% were 25 - 34 years old
  • 28.6% were 35 - 44 years old
  • 28.6% were 45 - 54 years old
  • 14.3% were 55 - 64 years old

50% were parents with over half having children under 11.

Most were in professional occupations or self-employed

Pressures on Men

We asked all respondents what they thought the biggest pressures were on men and the majority cited balancing family, life and work, mental health and work stress as the main pressures.

Stereotypes and the perception that men shouldn't show weakness also came high up on the list of pressures.


"The expectation to be the bread winner and enjoy manly pursuits (pub etc.), however it is better to have time away with your thoughts and talk about what's going on in your head."


Unsurprisingly the pandemic and uncertainty around employment also featured strongly in the responses we received.

Coping Strategies

Sport featured strongly as a way to cope with these pressures with a range of sports:

  • 71.4% Cycling
  • 28.6% Martial Arts
  • 28.6% Running
  • 14.3% Swimming

However, we also saw Yoga feature for a small number of people too.

Alongside sport, a range of hobbies were also mentioned including reading, travel, baking, music, movies and gaming.

The changing perception of masculinity

The stereotypical role of the male is changing, it is great that mental health is recognised and talked about more for men, however there is still a long way to go, here are some of the responses we received about the perception of masculinity.


"I think the modern world has just increased expectations of all genders to be able to do everything and achieve everything."


"It's starting to change, and thankfully. Masculinity (as well as femininity) in its 'traditional' terms should be eradicated. We're all human, and should do as we feel, not as some norms prescribe."

Overall Health

Given the age range of our respondents, we are unsurprised that many of you highlighted that you manage some form of physical or mental issue.

42.9% of you have a mental health condition - it is great that so many of you are able to share this and is a sign again of the way that the perception of masculinity is changing, however we hope that this number will drop as this is talked about more and you are able to gain the support you need.

With so many of you taking part in sports, finding that 57.1% of you have muscular/skeletal conditions was to be expected as although exercise is great for us some types of exercise can put additional pressure on our joints. This is where nutrition and other activities are important to support your body, particularly as you get older.


For me, physical exercise is an essential part of keeping my mental health as well as my physical health


We all know that diet as well as exercise is important to us and we were surprised to find that only 33.3% of you were getting your '5 a day'. A healthy diet is so important and how we fuel our body will have an effect on our overall health and wellbeing.

Alongside this, drinking enough water is also important and we were pleased that 66.7% of you were drinking over 2 litres a day.

There are strong links between diet, energy levels and mental health, so reviewing your dietary habits is a great stip to finding ways to cope with the day to day stresses we all face.

Health & Wellbeing Aims

Ending positively it is great to see so many of you have really focused aims for your health and wellbeing moving forward.

These included:

  • Remaining active in retirement
  • Taking care of your body and mind
  • Overall fitness improvement
  • Improving mental health

In conclusion

It was evident from the survey that everyone has some form of stress in their life, which has the potential to become a negative influence, if it's not managed appropriately

However, despite this potential, all respondents associated building resilience with focusing on physical activity to maintain good mental health.

It's encouraging that the connection between the mind and the body is being actively recognised and that social pressures are being managed through nutrition, exercise, and social interaction, to achieve a sense of balance.

All respondents felt that some of the conventional stereotypes of masculinity - of being the breadwinner, of being strong, not showing emotion, and carrying on' - were still issues, but hopefully, by continuing to talk about this and by masculinity taking on multiple forms, these pressures can be reduced.

Guest Blog: Do you ever promise not to interrupt? Have you ever been listened to without being interrupted?!

Ruth McCarthy and Laura Williams, who are both colleagues and mother and daughter, on how the simple, powerful promise not to interrupt can transform communication, build trust and make a huge difference to people’s lives.

Who do you know who is a really good listener? What difference does it make to you if somebody allows you to finish your thought rather than interrupting you with their advice, information, unasked-for ideas? Listening to ignite thinking, rather than listening to reply and interrupt, makes a huge difference to how we experience each other.

The world we live in has become increasingly interruptive. Whether we are being interrupted by each other, by our own tech devices, by social media, by email, or Zoom calls, we rarely get more than a few seconds before something breaks into our thinking pattern. How can we expect to communicate with each other properly, or to think well, under these conditions?

Ruth says:

A great Thinking Environment starts with Attention. Listening well is the only way to really hear what somebody else is thinking and feeling, and listening without interruption actively improves communication and connection on both sides of any interaction or relationship. When people ask what I do, I say ‘I show people how to listen, and then we discover exactly how much and why that helps people to think’.

Because the quality of our thinking depends to a remarkable degree on the quality of attention that we are getting from the person with whom we are thinking.

When I read Nancy Kline’s first book Time to Think in 2007 it was a revelation. It crystallised so much that I felt about how poorly we communicate what we really mean. It all comes down to our listening.

Turn off the Advice

The world we live in actively rewards the advisors and the ‘experts’. We get paid for giving advice. In fact we compete with each other and in groups to be the first to give an answer. It means it's very hard to resist the impulse to come in on somebody else’s thinking. Especially as a mother.

Turn up the Listening

So learning how to turn off the advising instinct and ramp up the listening has been transformational for me as a parent. Understanding that my daughters can be 100% equal to me as thinkers (because they each have a brain, and each is fully equipped to think) was a huge breakthrough. Dialling down the anxiety, feeling more ease in the moment, trying to be a thinking partner rather than an anxious mother - it has made such a difference. My only regret has been not finding my way to it sooner!

Laura says:

I will always remember my first experience of a Thinking Environment. I was on the sofa at home, aged 25, trying to figure out where I was going wrong in my career and why I wasn’t happy. My mother just listened as I poured out all my thinking, my experiences to date - and after a little while, I started to see things differently, to make new connections - understanding myself and the jobs I’d done differently, seeing what was missing.

Keep Listening

And Ruth just kept listening, giving me attention that helped me to keep going, no judgement, no advice - she was training with Nancy at the time. After a while I said ‘What is this - this feels so different!’ and she explained a bit about the Thinking Environment. I was fascinated, and within 4 years I’d qualified with Nancy too and started my business to teach others and spread the word about this amazing ‘way of being’. The Thinking Environment and the Components which create it are such a dependable way to communicate, with loved ones, friends, colleagues - it’s foolproof. It’s changed my life, my relationships and given me the gift of a framework for independent thinking that I can now pass on to my children.

It all starts with Attention.

If we promise not to interrupt each other and listen with interest to where the person is going in their thinking, we communicate on a whole new level. We show respect. We are creating equality in the relationship. We hope you can try it too.

The leadership and training organisation Time to Think, of which we are both Faculty members, offers an increasing number of different ways in which to address cultural communications, which include professional development courses and programmes for individuals and for groups. You can read more here:

Ruth’s website: www.thinkitthrough.co.uk.

Laura’s website: www.thethinkingwell.co.uk

Try this at home!

Next time someone needs to solve a problem, suggest that you will listen to them, without interruption, while they think it through. Suggest five minutes. Start them off by asking “What do you want to think about, and what are your thoughts?” and then sit back and relax and listen. Keep your eyes on their eyes in a relaxed way.

No matter how drivingly interested you are and no matter how much you think you can add value, see what happens for the Thinker because you didn’t. Don’t jump into their silences or try to solve anything. If they really get stuck, you can just ask them ‘What more do you think?’ and, most likely, watch their thinking take off again.

If you want to know more, here is an excerpt from “The Promise that Changes Everything: I Won’t Interrupt You” by Nancy Kline, the full book can be purchased here.

Samaritans Guest Blog: The Life Saving Importance Of Small Talk

Article written by Samaritans

Whether you love to chit-chat or would rather avoid a conversation with someone you don’t know – a few words, however small, can make a huge difference to someone who may be struggling. It may even help save their life. Here’s what you need to know about Samaritans’ Small Talk Saves Lives campaign, which is relaunching in August as the nation prepares to readjust to life following pandemic restrictions, and why it’s so important we look out for one another.

Samaritans has worked in partnership with Network Rail and the wider rail industry for over 10 years to reduce suicides on the railways and support those affected by them.

The charity delivers suicide prevention training to rail staff and British Transport Police – giving more than 22,000 staff the confidence and skills to be able to help someone in need. While the training is designed for the rail industry, the central idea of using small talk to interrupt a person’s suicidal thoughts is simple yet effective - something everyone can do and can be used across a range of scenarios.

Jason Alexandre, Samaritans’ Network Rail training officer, explains more:

“It’s my role to provide people with the tools and confidence to be able to recognise someone who might need help and know how to approach them by starting up a simple conversation to get them to safety.

“Any intervention is better than none and it’s using skills they already have, in simply having a conversation that could potentially help save a life.”

Shona Gibbs, Samaritans’ Senior Project Manager for the Network Rail partnership, further elaborates:

“Research showed that the public could also have a big part to play in making interventions and saving lives. Small Talk Saves Lives aims to empower the public to trust their instincts if they think someone is vulnerable and recognise that they already have all it takes to save a life – just a little bit of small talk is enough to interrupt their suicidal thoughts and may be the help they need.”

Jason continues: “The pandemic has added to the pressures people face this year and it's shown just how important it is for us to support each other and provide a listening ear to those who may have been struggling - you too could help be there for someone and potentially save a life.

“At Samaritans, we are concerned for the long-term implications of the pandemic, particularly as the links between recessions, unemployment and suicide risk are well known – so support in these times is essential. As restrictions ease and people may be feeling anxious, it's so important we look after our mental health and others by checking in and encouraging people to reach out for support, whether it's with a friend, a colleague, or a confidential helpline like Samaritans. No matter what you're going through, Samaritans volunteers are available 25 hours a day, 365 days a year. Call on 116 123 or email jo@samaritans.org"

How to approach someone at risk in public

How people act when they are struggling to cope is different for everyone. Common signs include looking distant, withdrawn, or upset or in an isolated spot.

Think SAM

START the conversation - Small talk is a great start. You can ask them if they are okay, comment on the weather, introduce yourself and encourage them to talk. There may be some silences before they respond, but just try to be yourself.

ALERT others - You don’t have to manage this alone. If you’re at a train station, get the attention of a member of staff, ask a passer-by to alert someone or call the police. Ask the person if there’s someone you can call for them.

MOVE them to safety - Encourage them to sit down somewhere safe and quiet, you can suggest a hot drink. You could mention sources of help, including Samaritans and their GP, as well as friends and family.

What to say

You might be worried that you’ll make things worse, but there’s no evidence to suggest that you will.

There’s no right or wrong way to approach someone. Trust your instincts and remember that you chat with people every day. You may still be helping even if you don’t get a response right away. Simply talking to someone and interrupting their thoughts may be all it takes to encourage them to reach out for support.

Use simple questions such as ‘It’s a warm evening isn’t it?’, ‘What’s your name?’ or ‘Do you need any help?’

If the situation is an emergency or if you don’t feel it’s safe to make an approach, call 999 – don’t make physical contact.

Looking after yourself

Your help can make a huge difference, but it might impact you too. You might feel emotional afterwards and you might what to talk about what’s happened.

Anyone can contact Samaritans, free, any time from any phone on 116 123, even a mobile without credit. This number won’t show up on your phone bill.

Or you can email jo@samaritans.org or visit www.samaritans.org

Miss your gym buddies?

This article first appeared as a blog on https://fiit.tv/

Miss your gym buddies? You can create your own group workouts with our partners FIIT

We train stronger together. Working out with friends pushes us harder and keeps us accountable. So in 2019 we launched the UK’s first live leaderboard HIIT workouts, with Fiit Club. These classes let you train with people around the world in 60+ scheduled workouts a day.

Now, as Covid-19 continues to affect group classes in gyms — we’re taking things one step further.

We’re really excited to announce our newest feature, that lets you create your own group class! You choose the trainer, class, time and guest list. We bring the best workout you can get (in or out of the gym).

Your next meetup. Is on the mat.

It could be a long time before group classes at the gym return to normal. Our newest feature is here to help you stay accountable and connected to friends, even when you can’t meet at the gym.

Not only that, our stats show that training together helps you burn 22% more calories than on demand classes — so if you want the most efficient workout possible, invite your friends and get ready to level up.

How it works

With group classes you now have the power to take on whoever you want, including the Fiit community! So how do you get started?

First of all, you need to be on the latest version of our app. So head over to the Google Play Store or App Store to update.

You can create a group class from any of the 500+ on-demand (or training plan) workouts in the app. From 10 minute stretches and yoga flows to 40 minute equipment classes, the options are endless. Simply tap the ‘Schedule group class’ button on your chosen class and pick a time and date that works for you (at least 15 minutes before you want to work out).

As the host, you’ll get a unique class link you can share with as many people as you like, wherever they may be. Have everyone join the lobby at least 10 minutes before the class starts.

You’ll see your scheduled group class, start time and guest list under the ‘Schedule’ tab (and so will your guests once they’ve booked in).

Will there be a leaderboard?

You bet. Cardio classes include a live leaderboard so you can challenge your friends to the top. But if you’re not one for friendly competition, you can easily swipe it away. If you’re not tracking your stats with a device, you won't appear on the leaderboard either.

For strength workouts, we don’t want you sacrificing your form over Points. It’s quality reps over quantity every time. So we haven’t added a leaderboard, but you’ll still see your rep count on the screen — and you’ll be able to compare it with your friends’ scores in a post-workout leaderboard.

As you know, the Rebalance studio is all about finding calm on the mat. So you’ll flow together, without scoring points.


Want to join up - click here.

How to get your retirement back on track

This article has been written by Affinity Financial Advisors Ltd who are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority | Regulatory Reference Number 457234

The uncertainty caused by the pandemic was particularly unwelcome news for people approaching retirement, but there are ways to strengthen your financial plans.

For millions of older workers, who can see retirement approaching on the horizon, recent pension provider statements might not have made encouraging reading.

At the beginnings of the Covid pandemic, nine out of 10 pension funds experienced a loss. (1) The situation has improved as stock markets subsequently recovered from the initial shocks. But people’s day-to-day money situation has also taken a hit, with November 2020 research by LV= finding 40% of people aged 55-64 (2) say their finances were worse than three months earlier.

One in four of this age group has seen a fall in income from work, which could reduce how much they can save towards retirement. Especially as only 3% of 55-64s are putting any spare money they have into a pension.

Start feeling more confident

If you’re feeling concerned about your ability to retire, you’re in good company. Schroders research in November found 41% of global investors (3) are worried they won’t have enough money to retire. 43% of people aged 51-70 are anxious their retirement income won’t prove enough.

So, what could you do to start feeling more confident? Well, the first thing is to start seriously looking at your retirement ambitions and how much money you’re going to need.

For example, it’s worth looking at your current spending habits and how it might change. After that, you can think about the fun stuff you’ll want to do in retirement and the costs that may be involved.

How do your plans stack up?

With a clearer idea of your outgoings, it’s time to look at the health of your savings, investments and pensions – and how much income they could provide you. There’s also the state pension to factor in.

If you’ve changed jobs over your career, you might have amassed several pension pots that you’ve forgotten all about – these could boost your income. January 2021 research from Interactive Investor (4) found one in eight of us don’t know how many workplace pensions we have.

Any gap between your likely spending needs and the level of savings is the key area to address. It’s important, to also remember that your retirement will hopefully last for many years, and your needs might change over time. So, your retirement provisions need to last you.

Speak to a professional

With so much at stake, getting an expert to help you plan retirement can make a real difference. That’s why a lot of people speak to a financial advisor in the final few years before retiring. They have the know-how to review your plans and forecast your retirement spending needs, so you can get a more accurate picture of where you stand.

As financial advisors we are able to advise you on making stronger plans and help you develop a suitable strategy for transitioning into retirement, giving you the peace of mind you deserve!


To see how Affinity can help and how to book an appointment with them click here.


1 https://bit.ly/36NJxIC (Interactive Investor)

2 https://bit.ly/3ttWRLH (LV=)

3 https://bit.ly/2LnLeoD (Schroders)

4 https://bit.ly/3azwlYR (Pensions Age)


The value of your investment can go down as well as up, and you may not get back the full amount invested. Investments do not include the same security of capital which is afforded with a deposit account.

An Adventurers Experience with Depression

Written by Tim Moss

Tim Moss is a record-breaking adventurer whose expeditions include walking across frozen Lake Baikal in Siberia, crossing the Wahiba desert on foot and making first British ascents in the Andes.

But he's biggest trip of all - cycling 13,000 miles around the world - almost never happened due to issues with his mental health.

In this article, Tim describes how a training ride went horribly wrong and almost ended his round-the-world plans before they had even begun.

Of those that know me or have stumbled across me online, many will know that a few years ago, I set off to cycle around the world.

What fewer will know is that the trip almost never happened due to issues with my mental health.

Two days into a training ride, I had a breakdown and had to go home. Over time, I lost all will to exercise, became scared of social interactions and, eventually, just hid behind my bed (literally). As a result, Laura and I had to cancel our round-the-world plans.

The fact that I had written extensively about cycling around the world but never mentioned depression was deliberate. I write about expeditions, not about myself. I don’t write about my personal life just as I don’t write about politics or sport.

But when I came to write the book about our trip, I found it was impossible to give an honest account without discussing the problems I faced.

Here is an extract from the prologue of my book, where I discuss the impact of depression:

With the Sun on Our Right: Prologue extract

As part of our preparation, we decided to cycle from Land’s End to John O’Groats. We had done several cycle tours before but thought that we should see how it felt to go away, knowing that the experience might be extended for a year or more. On the second day, however, Laura looked over her shoulder to see me pushing my bike uphill. She was perplexed. I had never needed to get off and push before.

‘You alright, love?’ she asked.

‘I just don’t seem to have the energy.’

This was odd because I rode my bike all the time and had recently set the Guinness World Record for the longest distance cycled on a rickshaw. That had involved pedalling a huge, iron tricycle 1,000 miles from Scotland to London. As such, cycling up a hill, even a Cornish one, should have been fine.

When evening came, for some unknown reason, I could not face camping. Normally, I viewed camping as an opportunity, not a hardship. I loved nothing more than sleeping on top of a hill beneath the stars, but that night, I could not bring myself to do it. I was almost scared of it and Laura eventually had to find us a hotel.

We started on our bikes again the following day, but when we reached a town, I told Laura that I could not cycle any further and needed to sit down. She went off to get me some food (knowing that hunger was often the source of my problems), and by the time she got back, I was sitting on the floor with my head in my hands, crying.

I prided myself on never giving up. I was constantly looking for challenges and always driving myself harder. In Oman, for example, I used to ride a loop of the local oil compound every morning before breakfast and cycled so hard that when I slumped over my bike after achieving a personal best, passers-by would stop and ask if I was OK.

But that had started to feel futile. What was the point of riding my bike in circles, just to beat my own time? And what was the point of riding a bike across Cornwall? Why bother riding a bike at all?

Those feelings had been building for several months. Years of working at home, on my own, had been taking a toll. I often had no human interaction for days at a time and I had not been making a lot of money either, which, combined with the recent loss of a key client, ate away at my self-esteem.

These issues all came to a head in Cornwall, and the only response I could muster was to sit on the floor, crying.

‘What’s wrong, love?’ Laura asked when she came back from the shop.

‘I don’t know,’ I replied, ‘but I need to go home.’


The doctor told me that I had depression. I was expecting that but pressed him on what was physically wrong with me.

OK, but why am I so tired all the time? Why can’t I run or cycle anymore?’

‘You don’t understand,’ he said. ‘That’s the depression too.’

I tried to pretend that this would not affect our plan to cycle around the world.

‘I’ll be alright once we get going,’ I said.

For years, I had been looking forward to this trip. I was not willing to accept that this was an illness that would prohibit me from disappearing on my bike for a year. I just convinced myself that everything was still on track for our departure.

But the evidence was in front of me. As well as having no will to exercise, I became scared of social interactions. I would dwell on the slightest negative comments for days and, eventually, just avoided talking to people. It got to the point where I felt the need to physically hide. Laura came into our bedroom one day to find me curled up in a ball behind our bed, with my eyes clamped shut and my fingers rammed into my ears. I felt completely overwhelmed and needed to shut the world away.

This odd defence mechanism grew into a habit. It became so normal that I even hid behind the bed when my parents came to visit, and sometimes Laura would have to bring my dinner to eat on the floor, curled up in the corner of our bedroom. A year earlier, I had crossed a desert, run an ultramarathon and broken a world record. Now I was reduced to hiding under beds.

Still, I could not let myself believe that anything would get in the way of our big trip. It was the one thing that I was holding on to and I was not yet ready to let it go. I insisted that I would be fine, and we pressed ahead with planning our ride around the world. But when Laura tried to hand in her notice at work, she was crying so much that her boss suggested she take a little longer to think about it. She knew that I was not in a fit state to go travelling and, slowly, she helped me realise that myself.

With time and treatment, I got better and, the following year, we set off to start cycling around the world (which is what the rest of my book is about).


Why I am writing this now

It’s easy to portray a certain version of yourself through social media. In my case, I just show the adventurous side and I do that to encourage others to undertake adventures themselves.

However, presenting a professionalised persona risks perpetuating an ‘us’ and ‘them’ situation in which adventurers with slick websites make it look like adventure is only for professionals with specialist skills and corporate sponsors. It is not.

That is the reason I publish the costs of my expeditions and the earnings of my website. It shows that my trips are not expensive or funded by sponsorship. It is also why I showcase other peoples’ adventures (like these guys crossing the Wahiba and everyone who’s won my grant). I want to ram home the message that anyone can have an adventure and that, just because I have a blog, I’m no different.

I hope that, through my website, people will see that it is OK to go on an adventure without expedition experience and without corporate sponsorship. And I hope that by adding to the chorus of adventurers* speaking about their mental health issues, people will realise that that’s OK too.

(*Like Sarah Outen, Emily Chappell, Kev Shannon, Juliana Buhring and Jake McManus, to name a few off the top of my head)

Tim continues with his adventures, now with two kids in tow. At the time of writing, he was cycling with them across the Shetland Islands. You can read more about this and his other adventures at www.thenextchallenge.org.

Two men chatting in a gym

Let’s Talk About Men’s Health – Nick’s Story

Talking about Men’s Health is something we think needs to be encouraged and done more often.

Four of our Body Mechanics clients have shared their stories about what causes them stress, how they manage that stress and their overall health and wellbeing and in this blog we will hear Nick's story.

It’s interesting to discover what health and wellbeing means to different people and its context in their everyday life.

Nick Thompson

Key Facts

  • 41
  • GM iManageAI
  • 2 kids - Ben 6 and Annabelle 9
  • Gorgeous wife (batting well above my average)
  • No pets although definitely considering one

"Life is never simple nor consistent and can’t be “controlled” so my aim is to do what’s necessary to live in and enjoy the moment so I don’t miss what matters most"

Biggest stressor?

My biggest stressors are definitely work related – I am a problem solver and tend to want to dive into problems to get them resolved as quickly as possible. That uses up tremendous amounts of energy. When in my type of role, it can be better to take a marathon vs sprint mentality given that “problems” are ever present.

How do you manage that stress and your health and wellbeing?

Like everyone I have times when I can manage the stress effectively and then other times less so. Additionally, I am an anxiety sufferer. It is therefore hugely important to my well being that I have a way to manage my mental and physical health. So I have two main approaches – one is to focus on the mental aspects and the other the physical. Starting with the latter, I always ensure that I have a physical goal that I am working towards such as entering races or competitions, that require me to train and therefore ensures I dedicate time to getting away from work.


I have two main approaches – one is to focus on the mental aspects and the other the physical


In recent years I’ve entered events like the Henley Swim Marathons, London Marathon and Otillo SwimRuns – all of which ensure that each week I need to carve out at least 6-7 hours worth of training time and to keep eating healthily.

From a mental health perspective – and it sounds cliche – but it's good to talk. It never works for me to let things stew inside – much more effective for me has been speaking to close friends, family and folks I work with, to share experiences and hear how common my experience is for others and so share ideas and techniques to manage your mental wellbeing.

For me, the best antidote is knowing you’re not alone in how you feel and hearing other perspectives. So for me the perfect combination is to sign up to these annual races and competitions with friends so you can train together, socialise and talk!


For me, the best antidote is knowing you’re not alone in how you feel and hearing other perspectives


What do you gain from your competitions?

Mostly it's all about peace of mind. I don’t enter competitions with the focus of winning against others, it's about personal challenges and goals, then enjoying the experience. I can’t describe the sense of wellbeing I get when I find myself in hidden and beautiful parts of the country of the world, that I wouldn’t have otherwise seen if I hadn’t entered a race or competition that scared me.

On top of that I spent my twenties carrying injuries, having surgery on a pair of dodgy knees and with an unhealthy focus on work, I gained a significant amount of weight. In 2012 when my daughter was born things had to change and by changing my focus away from work and getting healthy - I shifted 40lbs and have kept it off since. So having these physical challenges helps me not only mentally, but gets me away from the desk and keeps the weight off!

My health and wellbeing aims...

My aims really all boil down to the pursuit of happiness. Life is never simple nor consistent and can’t be “controlled” so my aim is to do what’s necessary to live in and enjoy the moment so I don’t miss what matters most. Family, friends, connections. Work and health stressors have the power to make you focus on the direct opposite of what’s good for you, making you worry about things that have either happened or might happen. So managing stress, giving myself some slack and focusing on being present are the aim!

We’d also like to hear from you, our male readers, about how you manage your own health and wellbeing. We’ve put together a short survey for you to answer by clicking on the image below.

Please only provide information you are comfortable sharing. Your data is submitted anonymously and is not shared outside of The Body Mechanics Team. We value your privacy. Thank you for your participation. We value your insights.