Let’s Talk About Men’s Health – Tom’s Story
Talking about Men’s Health is something we think needs to be encouraged and done more often.
Four of our Body Mechanics clients have shared their stories about what causes them stress, how they manage that stress and their overall health and wellbeing and in this blog we will hear Tom's story.
It’s interesting to discover what health and wellbeing means to different people and its context in their everyday life.
Tom Davies
Key Facts
- 41 years old
- Commercial Director
- Married with two children aged 5 and 3 years old
"You always get a better outcome when you provide your full attention to one task, especially if that is an interaction with someone at work or your children"

Biggest stressor?
The biggest stressor for me is balance across all aspects of my life. With a busy job, a young family and now that things are opening up again, the opportunity to see friends and family, play sports and travel more, I find it very hard to make sure I am achieving the right balance. I find that trying to achieve that balance often leaves me feeling that I am doing everything badly, or at least not to the level that I should be, which in turn can sometimes cause stress and anxiety.
How do you manage that stress and your health and wellbeing?
There are a number of things that I do to try and achieve a good balance and reduce stress and anxiety as much as possible.
Exercise is hugely important to me, and running in particular - I find running helps me to reduce stress, as well as giving me time away from devices, to make plans and priortise my time. I try and exercise at least 3-4 days a week.
I started doing 15 minutes of yoga every morning, it gives me a bit of space before starting the day.
Yoga - I started doing 15 minutes of yoga every morning during the second lockdown, and it is now a key part of my routine for reducing stress. I do it as soon as I get woken up by the kids and while they are still entertaining themselves and it gives me a bit of space before starting the day.
Attention - One of the areas I am working hard to improve on is a focus on attention. It is so easy to try and multi-task in today's world, but you always get a better outcome when you provide your full attention to one task, especially if that is an interaction with someone at work or your children. I am trying to bring this into my life as much as possible.
Massage - With all the exercise, I also have regular massage sessions with Body Mechanics which really helps to keep me de-stressed and relaxed.
I am more focused on making sure I take the best care of my body, and my mind and maximise the enjoyment I get out of life
What do you gain from your management techniques?
Focusing on my wellbeing, by making sure that I make time in my week to do things that are important to me, has the multiple benefits of keeping me motivated, keeping me focused, de-stressing me and making my life more enjoyable.
My health and wellbeing aims...
My key health and wellbeing goals have changed a fair amount over the last few years. I used to have very specific targets and times I wanted to achieve for runs or triathlons, whereas now I am more focused on making sure I take the best care of my body, and my mind and maximise the enjoyment I get out of life.
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