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7 Ways to Level Up in 10 Minutes

This article first appeared as a blog on https://fiit.tv/

2,580 people are born.

Lightning strikes the ground 26,400 times.

Oprah earns $1,900 USD.

And...get this...there are 15,000,000 orgasms (it’s nice to know someone’s happy).

It turns out a lot can happen in 10 minutes. And we’ve got a lot of 10 minute classes. See where we’re going with this?

Here are 7 ways to level up with our 10 minutes workouts.

Work faster, smarter, hit targets, get promoted. Sounds easy, right? Exercise increases blood flow to your brain – which helps clear your mind and improve problem solving skills. Can’t crack an idea? Got a busy afternoon? A tight deadline looming? Our 10 min classes could be just what you need.

Try an Energy Shot or Energising Flow and notice the difference.

Workouts help you relax and promote better sleep. And it’s not just because you’re tired. The better you sleep. The better you feel the next day.

Try adding a Chaser to the end of a HIIT or strength workout. The 10 minutes extra will improve your performance on the mat. And give you a fuller forty winks.

It’s not just a physical thing. Pumping blood reduces anxiety and stress, and helps you feel more balanced. If you aren’t feeling yourself or you’re distracted, a little 10 minute mover is the perfect elixir.

Peak performers pack a lot in. But they’re smart about it. They know that exercise is important. But so are the thousands of other things they need to do. With Fiit, you can schedule classes to work around you. If you’ve got 15 minutes between meetings – then it’s probably a nice spot to book in a 10 minute yoga flow.

Simply find the class. Hit ‘Add class to calendar’. Pick a time. And you’re good to go.

Hit the mat and people notice. It’s all to do with those scrumptious endorphins. HIIT, strength, yoga, pilates – they all give you that feel-good feeling – even after 10 minutes. And nothing looks better than feeling good.

Fast and fiery workouts have never been easier. With the world’s best trainers ready to rumble at the swipe of a screen – your best is always in reach. With Fiit, you’ve literally got a pocket-sized gym – 24/7.

10 minutes? Let’s go!

Literally. Fitness, friends, work, family. They’re all part of life’s rich tapestry. But we only have space and time to do so much. So, let’s make the most of it. Think carpe diem. But only 10 minutes and probably sweatier.

If you’re looking to squeeze a bit more in, we recommend a Wind Down before bed and Morning Mobility first thing.

Find out more about our partners Fiit by clicking here.

Image of lady running in a wood

One Year of Covid

What it’s meant for us and our clients

I think it’s safe to say, that the past year has been one of uncertainty and adaptation. A year where things changed at a moment’s notice, presenting us all with new challenges, and bringing many aspects of our lives together unexpectedly. For many, it’s been a time to reassess our priorities; how we actually choose to live our lives, to engage with the world around us and how we look after ourselves.

Key issues which have come to light, receiving extensive media coverage, are how we stay connected to our friends and family, as well as managing our physical, mental and financial health effectively.

We’ve relied heavily on technology to communicate both inside and outside of work - Zoom call anyone? Staying in contact with the ones we love had never been so important, especially for those who lived alone or felt isolated.

We’ve suddenly realised that having an hour to exercise outside is actually extremely valuable and activities such as walking, running and cycling have increased in popularity, not to mention borrowing the neighbour’s dog!

"enjoying green space, promotes relaxation and a sense of wellbeing"

Outdoor activities aren’t only good for our physical health, but our mental health as well - a change of scene, some Vitamin D (if we’re lucky) and enjoying green space, all promote relaxation and a general sense of wellbeing. Meditation and counselling have also been advocated as ways to maintain balance and good mental health.

Arguably the most divisive aspect of Covid has been the financial impact experienced by people. Some have been able to work from home and have managed to save money through reduced travel and the closure of coffee shops and restaurants, for example. Others have been furloughed, receiving reduced income, but have managed to achieve a financial balance, again due to reduced expenditures associated with work. And many, have unfortunately been unable to work, have had to seek Government assistance and have struggled to make ends meet.

All of the above have presented us, in one way or another, with challenges, stresses and in some cases, opportunities - a strange and potentially contentious thing to be saying during a global pandemic.

The Body Mechanics team has been in touch with many of you throughout the year and we’ve listened to what you’ve found challenging and why.

Compartmentalisation - both lockdown and Covid restrictions have highlighted how disruptive the blurring of boundaries can be. We used to live our lives in relatively ‘neat’ compartments - we had a work life, a home life, a social life - which would establish a routine around the tasks we did, the people we interacted with and the times we did them; these compartments provided us with a framework for our lives. Covid has disrupted our norm, our order, our routines and habits. Work is now in our homes. Socialising sometimes feels like an extension of our work meetings, having catch ups online. Covid has meant that all of these elements have become intertwined, leading to more roles being assumed by individuals, challenges around prioritisation, time management and balance. We’ve heard many of you say you have a newfound appreciation for teachers!

The re-establishing of boundaries is essential but can be difficult and ever changing.

Creativity - 'lockdown lethargy’ has been a term adopted by the media and used frequently to describe how our emotions and energy have dropped due to the disruption, uncertainty, and restrictions Covid has imposed on our lives. Living both with and in the unknown has forced us to look at things differently and to get creative. How can we work with the new normal - our work patterns, childcare plans, general day-to-day living? How we can stay active - do we stick with our normal activities, or do we take up a new sport or hobby, or both? How do we stay social - should we use different forms of technology, should we use social media platforms, should we schedule contact or keep it spontaneous? How can we stay engaged and keep ourselves entertained, without our activities and distractions becoming part of the monotony? How can we balance everything under Covid restrictions?

Contingency - perpetual changes have meant we need to be in a constant state of preparedness; to have a plan in place ‘just in case’ This can be exhausting. It’s an uncomfortable way to live and can create stress and anxiety. Many of us will need some form of contingency plans around day-to-day life, our work patterns, our family life and childcare. For others, contingency has focused on restricted levels of work and finances; trying to make income, savings and expenditure balance, or at the very least, how to minimise debt.

We’ve summarised them into The 3 C’s

Covid has been an emotional rollercoaster and yet despite all the challenges, the stresses and the disruptions, many positive things have been learned. We’ve had to reassess our priorities and look at what we consider to be necessities and luxuries. We’ve learned to enjoy the simple pleasures. We’ve realised just how valuable technology is and how having that connection, whether it's for work or for socialising, can be crucial in terms of feeling a part of a team, a friendship or a family. We’ve learned that looking after ourselves, properly, is essential. We’ve also learned how widely the NHS and Keyworkers support society and community.

A year of Covid has been very different for us at Body Mechanics too. Our hands-on treatments with both corporate and individual clients were stopped overnight. Contact with our clients was severely reduced. The Team had to stop working and no income was received. The client facing part of the business was put on hold.

Covid made us look at Body Mechanics differently - the services we provide, how we provide them and how we needed to strengthen what we offer; how can we adapt to Covid restrictions and make the business more robust in the future? We saw lockdown as an opportunity to spend time on business planning and development. In this and the upcoming editions, we’ll discuss exactly what we did, how it will benefit you and how you can access our new services and products.

To start, you will find an overview of our new Body Mechanics Membership and our new library of Resources, putting convenience and consistency at the heart of your wellbeing schedule.

The Body Mechanics Team are very much looking forward to seeing and helping you all again.

If you have any comments, questions or suggestions, we’d love to hear from you. You can email us at enquiries@bodymechanics.co.uk

The Mindful Chef Approach to Nutrition

The Mindful Chef Approach to Nutrition

This article has been adapted from Mindful Chef 

Mindful Chef and Body Mechanics don't believe in meticulous calorie counting or following strict or faddy diets. We simply like incredible tasting, ethically-sourced ingredients that benefit you and your body. 

Instead of sending processed foods or cheap fillers with hidden ingredients that aren't good for you, Mindful Chef chooses to load their recipe boxes full of fresh produce that will help you look and feel your best. 

Amazing dishes start with amazing ingredients and Mindful Chef are proud to work with some of the best suppliers in the country. Farmison, the UK's “Butcher of the Year” supplies them with 100% grass-fed heritage beef, our free-range poultry comes from Traditional Norfolk Poultry and James Knight of Mayfair supplies them and Buckingham Palace with the freshest fish - never frozen or air-freighted. 

The Mindful Chef Approach to Nutrition

Eating Mindful Chef recipes on a regular basis has visible health benefits. After a few weeks of receiving Mindful Chef food boxes, customers report feeling great! Clearer skin, more energy, more focus and feeling leaner are just some of the benefits of following a mindful diet. It's no surprise that Mindful Chef is the Official Nutrition Partner to the English Institute of Sport - powering our best athletes in the build-up to major competitions. 

The Mindful Chef Approach to Nutrition

There's no fasting or crash-dieting, you'll find yourself eating heaps of nutritious vegetables and fantastic, flavoursome natural food. All recipes are designed to encourage you to eat food that benefits you and your body. 

Recipes are under 30 minutes and have less than 8 steps. Boxes are designed to slot into your lifestyle, not get in the way of it. As boxes are insulated, produce will stay fresh for up to 48 hours so you don't even need to be in for delivery.  


How Do I Get My Recipe Box?

Get 25% off your first two boxes using the code BM25

The Truth Behind 75% Of Sickness Absence

This article first appeared on North East Connected in 2017

  • 75% of sickness absence is due to stress or musculoskeletal disorders (MSD’s) and 40% of those days lost are attributable to work related illness (source: Health and Safety Executive 2014/15)
  • There is a gap in current healthcare system between the NHS, which is a free resource but overburdened and Private Health Insurance, which is circumscribed by cost. With an aging population and ever fewer resources, this gap will widen
  • The suggestion is that employers are asked to increase their level of investment in employee health and wellbeing programmes as part of their corporate social responsibility and HR best practice
  • That health and wellbeing programmes should be part of an organisation’s business strategy
  • Body Mechanics Remedial work with businesses to deliver tailored health and wellbeing programmes on-site to employees. They include massage, nutrition plans, Pilates and personal training programmes
  • Body Mechanics Remedial stands to support employers in being proactive towards employees health and wellbeing – ‘prevention is better than cure’


For every £1 spent on health and wellbeing programmes, the organisation recovered £4.17 in programme benefits (source: Health Work Wellbeing study in collaboration with PWC)

Case study infographic for global email marketing company, showing:

  • 100% say it helps maintain their general health and wellbeing
  • 93% of staff attending regularly
  • 50% use the service to help manage stress
  • 22% use it for treatment of a specific injury
  • 87% say it helps their working performance

Mindful Chef and One Feeds Two Project

Mindful Chef and One Feeds Two Project

This article has been adapted from Mindful Chef 

Mindful Chef and One Feeds Two Project

6,000,000 meals donated and counting

Since its launch, Mindful Chef has been on a mission to make healthy eating easy, whilst also having a positive social impact. 

In 2017 they joined forces with the groundbreaking charity One Feeds Two, so that for every Mindful Chef meal you enjoy, a school meal is donated to a child living in poverty. 

Mindful Chef is proud to be the first recipe box in the UK pioneering this 'one for one' model and together with their supportive community of customers, they've donated over 6 million meals to children in Malawi so far! That's the equivalent of feeding more than 15,000 children for an entire academic year. Their ambition is to reach 10 million by the end of 2021. 

Mindful Chef can't thank One Feeds Two enough for making this possible and their customers for supporting them. Together they're using hunger to end hunger. 

How do my meal donations make a difference? 

It's not just about the food. The impact of a school meal for a child living in poverty is life-changing.

  1. Improves school attendance 
  2. Improves concentration and health
  3. Raises communities out of poverty 

Just imagine the impact if more businesses joined the movement, and we all chose to eat this way. Thank you for making this possible.  

Learn more about One Feeds Two here.  


How Do I Get My Recipe Box?

Get 25% off your first two boxes using the code BM25

Massage at Work

This article first appeared in Holistic Therapist Magazine in 2017

Before I retrained as a Massage Therapist, I worked in sales and sales management for 12 years. I was used to managing sickness absence and return to work programmes, but I experienced the frustration and pressure to get back to work as soon as possible, after I developed a work-related back injury and going on long term sick. Massage formed part of my rehab and that’s when I decided to leave sales, re-train and start Body Mechanics Remedial, specifically to work in the corporate sector.

My clients are businesses where people have demanding jobs and personal commitments – they’re time poor and they crave convenience. Body Mechanics Remedial treats people with stress and muscular aches and pains in their workplace to eliminate these problems.

Each business is reliant on its employees. If you keep people healthy, feeling appreciated and engaged, they’ll be more productive. At the end of the day, businesses want productive employees who help make them profit. When you look at it like this, corporate health and wellbeing is paramount.

According to a report for the Health Work Wellbeing Executive, for every £1 invested in an employee health and wellbeing programme, at least £4.17 can be expected as a benefit to cost ratio (BCR). The BCR return on the specific treatment of MSDs are significantly greater when treated at the outset. Other benefits include increasing employee engagement and productivity, reducing sickness absence, boosting morale and positioning the business as desirable to work for. The Health and Safety Executive has stated that more than three quarters of MSDs and stress is workplace related, so it makes sense to reduce problems and improve well-being in a workplace setting.

Our clients range from global media companies and Pan-European e-marketing businesses, to UK based sports teams and charities. They all show a commendable duty of care towards their employees and players. Our treatments last 20-30 mins and can be seated (clothed) or couch (oil) massages. We bring all the necessary equipment, clients just need to provide the space. A consultation form is completed in advance and discussed at the start of the treatment. The client’s modesty and comfort are respected at all times and client information is strictly confidential.

The biggest challenge has been educating businesses that private healthcare isn’t enough. Maintaining employee health and wellbeing on-site keeps the individuals and the business focused on their business goals with minimal disruption. We aim to provide a seamless service where each session is all about the client and the massage, so appointments and treatment scheduling are managed internally by the client.

Our client feedback is hugely positive. 100% of customers say it helps maintain their general health and well-being. 93% of staff attend regularly, with 50% using the service to help manage stress and 22% use it for treatment of specific injury. 87% say it helps their working performance and the only complaint we seem to get is that the treatments aren’t long enough!

I’d love Body Mechanics Remedial to become the global go-to organisation for corporate health and wellbeing, starting in Australia and Canada. Taking on quality therapists will be at the heart of this.

Nikki Roy founded Body Mechanics Remedial to help people lead pain free lives. She is ITEC qualified and a member of the CThA.